
As a general rule, it's preferable to maintain the semantic graph in a divided manner, with small attributes that are easy to clone and compare for equality. This ensures that each attribute value remains logically isolated from others.

With a granular semantic graph, the validation procedure is likely to complete the propagation of incremental changes throughout the dependent attributes of the graph more efficiently. This is achieved by comparing newly computed attribute values with previous caches and stopping the propagation process if they are found to be equal.

In the Chain Analysis example, the BlockAnalysis input attribute initially collects all assignment statements and inner blocks into two dedicated maps: assignments and blocks.

#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BlockAnalysis {
    pub assignments: Shared<BlockAssignmentMap>,
    pub blocks: Shared<BlockNamespaceMap>,

Later on, these maps are utilized in the LocalResolution and GlobalResolution attributes. In theory, we could directly read the BlockAnalysis attribute from these computable functions. However, in practice, when the end user modifies the content of a block, it's likely that one of the BlockAnalysis maps may remain unchanged. Therefore, depending solely on changes in the overall BlockAnalysis attribute to read just one of the two maps is probably unnecessary1.

For these reasons, we spread both maps into the intermediate BlockAssignmentMap and BlockNamespaceMap attributes by cloning the hash maps into them. Subsequently, we read these maps in the final attributes through these intermediaries independently.

If the BlockAnalysis attribute becomes invalid, both BlockAssignmentMap and BlockNamespaceMap will be recomputed when the validation procedure refreshes the semantic graph. However, it's possible that some of the LocalResolution and GlobalResolution attributes will remain unaffected if the validator detects that the intermediate attribute values haven't changed. As a result, the entire validation procedure would proceed faster by skipping some of the heavy computation steps.


This example might seem artificial, but in real-world applications, it's probable that the input attributes for scope analysis would comprise many more potentially independent fields.

Shared Object

The Shared helper object is Lady Deirdre's reference-counting thread-safe container, akin to Rust's standard Arc, with two notable distinctions:

  1. Shared, unlike Arc, lacks a Weak counterpart. If a weak counterpart isn't required, Shared's computation and memory performance are slightly better than Arc's.
  2. The Shared::get_mut function accepts &mut self. This makes it more convenient to use when constructing Shared in place.

Shared was initially designed for Lady Deirdre's semantic analysis framework. However, you are free to utilize it anywhere you don't require Arc's weak counterpart as well.

use lady_deirdre::sync::Shared;

let mut shared_a = Shared::new(100);

// You can mutate the inner data in place when Shared does not have any clones yet.
*shared_a.get_mut().unwrap() += 20;

// However, to read the inner data, you need to explicitly call `.as_ref()`.
assert_eq!(*shared_a.as_ref(), 120);

// Does not clone the inner allocated data; it only creates another smart
// pointer to this allocation, similar to `Arc::clone`.
let shared_b = shared_a.clone();

assert_eq!(*shared_b.as_ref(), 120);

Shared Computable

The SharedComputable is a specialized helper trait that automatically implements the Computable trait on the type Shared<T> if SharedComputable is implemented on T.

The SharedComputable::compute_shared function is a mandatory computation function through which you return Shared<T> instead of T.

This trait is especially handy for propagating the Shared value through intermediate attributes. For instance, the BlockAssignmentMap simply clones a shared map from the BlockAnalysis (which is cheap, as it merely creates a new smart pointer to the same allocation).

#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BlockAssignmentMap {
    pub map: HashMap<NodeRef, Shared<LocalResolution>>,

impl SharedComputable for BlockAssignmentMap {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute_shared<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Shared<Self>> {
        let block_ref = context.node_ref();
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        let Some(ChainNode::Block { semantics, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        let block_semantics = semantics.get().unwrap_abnormal()?;

        // Cloning the `BlockAnalysis::assignments` field as the result value of
        // this computable function.