Scope Access

For any syntax tree node with semantics, you can obtain a NodeRef reference to the top node of the scope in which this node is nested.

The Semantics::scope_attr function returns a special built-in attribute that contains a NodeRef of the top node within the node's scope. The Analyzer is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of this attribute's value, and you can utilize it within any computable functions.

For instance, in the Chain Analysis example, the LocalResolution function accesses the scope block of the ChainNode::Key node by utilizing this attribute.

impl SharedComputable for LocalResolution {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute_shared<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Shared<Self>> {
        let key_ref = context.node_ref();
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        let Some(ChainNode::Key { semantics, .. }) = key_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        let block_ref = semantics // The semantics of the Key node.
            .scope_attr() // The scope attribute of the `Key` node.
            .read(context)? // Reading this attribute.
            .scope_ref; // The NodeRef of the `Block` into which this `Key` node is nested.

        let Some(ChainNode::Block { semantics, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());
        // ...

Note that the top nodes themselves are considered to be nested within their parent scopes. The ChainNode::Block node, which serves as a top node of a scope, is nested within its parent, Block1. By iteratively climbing up, you will eventually reach the root of the syntax tree.

The GlobalResolution attribute leverages this feature to calculate the ultimate resolution of the ChainNode::Key value by ascending through the hierarchy of nested blocks.

impl Computable for GlobalResolution {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Self> {
        let key_ref = context.node_ref();
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        let Some(ChainNode::Key { semantics, .. }) = key_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Self::default());

        let key_semantics = semantics.get().unwrap_abnormal()?;

        let local_resolution = key_semantics

        // Checks if the `Key` has already been resolved locally.

        let mut ref_name = match local_resolution.as_ref() {
            LocalResolution::Broken => return Ok(Self::Broken),
            LocalResolution::Resolved(num) => return Ok(Self::Resolved(*num)),
            LocalResolution::External(name) => String::from(name),
        // Otherwise, it climbs up through the system of nested blocks.

        // Fetches the NodeRef of the `Key`'s block node in a similar manner to
        // the `LocalResolution` computable function.
        let mut block_ref = semantics

        loop {
            // Checks if the current block has the resolution we are seeking.
            let Some(ChainNode::Block { semantics, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
                return Ok(Self::default());

            let block_semantics = semantics.get().unwrap_abnormal()?;

            let block_namespace =;

            match block_namespace.as_ref().namespace.get(&ref_name) {
                Some(LocalResolution::Broken) => return Ok(Self::Broken),
                Some(LocalResolution::Resolved(num)) => return Ok(Self::Resolved(*num)),
                Some(LocalResolution::External(name)) => ref_name = String::from(name),
                None => (),

            // Otherwise, sets the `block_ref` to the parent block of
            // the current block to continue the climbing-up iteration.

            block_ref = semantics

Or within the root node of the syntax tree. The root node is treated as the default scope for the entire syntax tree.