
The Domain

The program you are developing could function both as a programming language compiler and as a code editor extension simultaneously. Lady Deirdre does not strongly distinguish between these domains, so we will collectively refer to the developing program as the Compiler.

The input data for the Compiler is a compilation project: a set of semantically interconnected source code text files. We refer to each individual file within a project as a compilation unit. A compilation unit could be a real file stored on disk or have a more abstract source (e.g., transferred to the Compiler by the code editor through the LSP communication channel).

The primary purpose of the front-end part of the Compiler is to determine if the compilation project is well-formed (i.e., if there are syntax or semantic errors in the compilation units) and to infer the semantic connections between the source code objects (e.g., all call sites of a function in the source code).

The compilation project is subject to frequent changes, as the end user may modify the source code of the units with every keystroke. The Compiler should keep its internal representation in sync with these changes in real time.

Moreover, the compilation project is often not well-formed. While the end user is writing the source code, it is usually in an incomplete state, with syntax and semantic errors. Therefore, the Compiler should be resilient to these errors, able to continuously synchronize the program's abstract representation with the current state of the source code without halting at the first encountered error.

The Compiler's best effort is to infer as much metadata as possible from the current state of the source code to assist the end user in the code editor: highlighting references between identifiers, providing code completion suggestions, and enabling semantically meaningful navigation between text symbols.

The Core Concepts

Lady Deirdre separates the processes of lexical scanning, syntax parsing, and semantic analysis.

Lexical and syntax analysis are performed on each compilation unit eagerly using an incremental reparsing approach. With every end-user keystroke, the framework patches the token stream and syntax tree relative to the changes.

As a result, incremental reparsing is usually a fast process even if the unit's source code is large. This reparsing process does not alter the outer parts of the syntax tree outside the typically small reparsing area, which is important for the semantic analysis that relies on the states of the syntax tree.

Semantic analysis, in contrast, is a lazy, demand-driven process for the entire compilation project. Lady Deirdre infers individual features of the semantic model only when you explicitly request these features.

The model is described in terms of user-defined computable functions that compute specific node's semantic metadata based on the compilation units' syntax tree states and other computable function values. Together, these computable functions form the Semantic Graph.

Lady Deirdre computes and incrementally updates this graph partially and automatically when you request a feature, taking into account the changes in the compilation units.

Compilation Units

The Document object represents the source code text, token stream, and syntax tree of an individual compilation unit.

Through the Document object, you can write to arbitrary fragments of the source code and read its data at any time.

let mut doc = Document::<JsonNode>::new_mutable(r#"{ "foo": 123 }"#);

 // Absolute zero-based index.
doc.write(3..6, "bar");

 // Line-column one-based index.
doc.write(Position::new(1, 4)..Position::new(1, 7), "baz");

assert_eq!(doc.substring(2..12), r#""baz": 123"#);

// Returns the root node of the syntax tree.
let _ = doc.root();

// Returns an iterator over the syntax errors.
let _ = doc.errors();

// Depth-first forth and back traverse of the syntax tree and its tokens.
doc.traverse_tree(&mut my_visitor);

// Reads tokens within the token stream.
let _ = doc.chunks(..);

The Document comes in two flavors: mutable and immutable. The mutable Document supports incremental reparsing (as shown in the example above), while the immutable Document does not support incremental reparsing but performs faster when you load the source code text once.

There are no other API differences between these two document types, so you can switch between the modes seamlessly. For example, if you want to switch off the incremental compilation mode of your program, the program would function as a pure one-pass compiler.

The Document is parameterized with the type that describes the lexical scanner and syntax parser of the language, specifying the individual token type and the syntax tree's node type.


First, you need to specify the type of the lexis. Typically, you can do this using the derive macro on your enum type, where the enum variants denote individual token types. The token's lexical scanning rules are described in terms of regular expressions.

From the JSON example:

pub enum JsonToken {


    #[rule('-'? ('0' | POSITIVE) ('.' DEC+)? (['e', 'E'] ['-', '+']? DEC+)?)]

The macro will generate a highly optimized lexical scanner based on the provided regex rules.

In Lady Deirdre, the lexical scanning process is infallible. If there are source code fragments that do not match the specified rules, these fragments will be recognized as fallback "mismatch" tokens, which will generate syntax errors during the syntax parsing stage.


The syntax grammar is described similarly using enum types and the derive macro.

The node's parsing rules are described in terms of LL(1) grammars, but you can also implement your own custom parsers for individual node types, allowing for custom parse logic with unlimited recursion, including possibly left recursion.

Within the macro's parsing rules, you can capture the results of descending rule applications and reference these results in the enum variant fields.

This system of references forms the node-to-child relationships between the syntax tree nodes, which is useful for depth-first tree traversal. Additionally, the parser establishes ascending node-to-parent relationships, allowing traversal from nodes to the tree root. Lady Deirdre's incremental reparser ensures both kinds of references are kept up to date.

From the JSON example:

#[token(JsonToken)] // Specifies a type of the Token.
pub enum JsonNode {
    #[rule($BracketOpen (items: ANY)*{$Comma} $BracketClose)]
    Array {
        #[parent] // Node-to-Parent relation.
        parent: NodeRef,
        #[child]// Node-to-Child relation.
        items: Vec<NodeRef>,

Most of the language syntax constructs, which can be easily expressed in terms of LL(1) grammar rules, will be described this way. However, some complex parsing rules, such as infix expressions, will be implemented manually using hand-written recursive-descent parsers.

The syntax trees created by Lady Deirdre are, informally speaking, abstract syntax trees where all trivial elements such as whitespaces and comments are intentionally omitted. However, it is worth noting that you can also build a full ParseTree based on the same grammar, which has a different structure useful for implementing code formatters.

The parser generated by the macro is an error-resistant parser capable of recovering from syntax errors in the end user's code. It recovers from syntax errors using standard "panic mode" algorithm and based on internal heuristics statically inferred from the grammar. You have the option to explicitly configure the recovery rules for the entire grammar and for individual parsing rules for fine-tuning.


In Lady Deirdre, the source code tokens and syntax tree nodes are owned by the Document.

The NodeRef and TokenRef objects are globally unique (composite) numerical indices that point to a specific node or token inside the Document. They are unique in the sense that whenever the incremental reparser removes a node or token, the corresponding index object becomes obsolete forever, and the newly created node and token instance always receives a unique index object that will never clash with the index objects created previously by any Document.

Lady Deirdre uses NodeRefs, in particular, to establish parent-child relations between syntax tree nodes.

This approach is convenient in that NodeRefs/TokenRefs, being just numerical indices, are cheap and easy to Copy and are memory-allocation independent. You can easily spread them across the program to address specific objects within a particular document.

But the downside is that to dereference the addressed instance, you always have to have access to the corresponding Document at the dereferencing point.

let doc: Document<JsonNode>;
let token_ref: NodeRef;

let Some(token) = token_ref.deref(&doc) else {
    panic!("TokenRef obsolete.");


You can traverse the syntax tree either manually by dereferencing the NodeRef index object and inspecting the enum variant fields, or generically, using the NodeRef's grammar-independent functions. These functions include getting the node's parent, children, or siblings, and addressing their children by string or numerical keys.

let doc: Document<JsonNode>;
let node_ref: NodeRef;

let foo_ref: NodeRef = node_ref
    .get_child(&doc, 3)
    .get_child(&doc, "foo");

You can also traverse the entire syntax tree or a branch of the tree generically using a visitor.

let doc: Document<JsonNode>;
let branch_ref: NodeRef;

doc.traverse_subtree(&branch_ref, &mut MyVisitor);

struct MyVisitor;

impl Visitor for MyVisitor {
    fn visit_token(&mut self, _token_ref: &TokenRef) {}
    fn enter_node(&mut self, _node_ref: &NodeRef) -> bool { true }
    fn leave_node(&mut self, _node_ref: &NodeRef) {}


The semantic graph of the compilation project consists of attributes.

An attribute represents a value of arbitrary user-defined type, along with the function that computes this value based on the values of other attributes read within the function.

The value of the attribute can be of any type that implements Clone and Eq.

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct MyAttrValue {

impl Computable for MyAttrValue {
    type Node = MyNode;

    fn compute<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Self> {
        // Computes and returns attribute's value using the `context` object.

The purpose of an attribute is to infer meaningful information related to a particular node of the syntax tree. For instance, one attribute of the variable declaration node could infer the type of that variable, while another attribute might infer all variable uses across the code.

Attribute instances are owned by the syntax tree nodes. When defining the node, attributes can be placed inside a special enum variant's #[semantics] field:

struct MyNode {
    #[rule(<parse rule>)]
    SomeNodeVariant {
        semantics: Semantics<Attr<MyAttrValue>>,

If a node has more than one attribute, you should define a dedicated struct where you would put these attributes. Then, you would use this struct as a parameter of the Semantics<...> object.

Lady Deirdre computes attribute values only when you query them explicitly.

let analysis_task; // You gets this object from the Analyzer (see next sections).
let node_ref: NodeRef;

let Some(MyNode::SomeNodeVariant { semantics, ... }) = node_ref.deref() else {...}

let (_, attribute_value) = semantics

You can find a complete setup example of the syntax tree with semantics in the Chain Analysis example.

Concurrent Analysis

Lady Deirdre is capable of computing the semantic graph of your compilation project in a multi-threaded environment, handling concurrent requests to the semantic attributes. Specifically, the language server can manage parallel requests from the language client (code editor) in dedicated worker threads.

The Analyzer object manages a collection of documents of the compilation project and the semantic graph of the project.

It's assumed that this object will serve as the central synchronization point of your compiler. You can interact with the Analyzer from multiple threads if you're developing a multi-threaded compiler.

At any point in time, you can either edit the source code or query the semantic graph. Due to this reason, the Analyzer doesn't allow direct access to its inner content. Instead, it provides functions that grant access to specific operations.

These functions return RAII-guard-like objects called "tasks" through which necessary operations can be performed.

From the Chain Analysis example:

let analyzer = Analyzer::<ChainNode>::new(AnalyzerConfig::default());

let doc_id;

    // A handle object through which we can signalize the task's worker
    // to cancel it's job. 
    let handle = TriggerHandle::new();

    // Requests Mutation task through which we can add new
    // or edit existing documents.
    let mut task = analyzer.mutate(&handle, 1).unwrap();

    // Returns a unique identifier of the new document
    doc_id = task.add_mutable_doc(INPUT);

    let handle = TriggerHandle::new();
    // Requests semantic-analysis task.
    let task = analyzer.analyze(&handle, 1).unwrap();

    // Here we can fetch the document by `doc_id`, traverse its nodes,
    // and query their semantics using the `task` object.

The Analyzer's task system supports task priorities and a graceful shutdown mechanism. The inner task manager of the Analyzer can signal the task's worker thread to temporary interrupt its job based on the currently requested task priorities.

It's important to note that the Analyzer itself is not a thread manager and does not spawn any threads. Thread job management is not a goal of Lady Deirdre.

You can also use the Analyzer from a single main thread only. For example, you can build your compiler to the wasm target and use the Analyzer's tasks sequentially.