Tasks Management

Under the hood, the Analyzer maintains a queue of tasks, both activated and pending.

To clarify, at any given point in time, the Analyzer activates only one type of simultaneous task objects (and no more than one exclusive task).

Whenever you request a task object of a particular type, the task manager attempts to activate it immediately according to the current tasks queue. If activation is not possible, the Analyzer blocks the current thread, enqueues the request, and unblocks the requester thread once the inactive request in the queue reaches activation (once all top active task objects in the queue that block this request will be released by the concurrent threads).

Graceful Shutdown

The job that your program's thread performs with the task object is subject to graceful shutdown. For this reason, each task request function of the Analyzer requires specifying the task handle through which the job could be signaled to shut down.

let handle = TriggerHandle::new();

let task = analyzer.analyze(&handle, 1).unwrap();


// Signals the job for interruption.


The TriggerHandle is the default implementation of the handle1. This object is thread-safe and cheap to clone. Once the handle is triggered (via the trigger function), all copies of the instance become triggered, which serves as a marker for the job thread to gracefully finish its job.

You can create the handle from outside of the worker thread where you are scheduling the worker's job and pass a copy of the handle to the worker thread. The worker thread will use it to request the task object from the Analyzer.

The worker thread should periodically check the handle's triggering state. Once the handle is triggered and if the worker hasn't completed its job yet, the worker thread should perform the minimal amount of work required to interrupt its job normally and drop the task object as soon as possible, releasing the acquired access grant back to the Analyzer.

The Analyzer could also trigger the handle. For example, if the task manager realizes that some thread has requested a task with higher priority and this kind of access cannot be granted instantly because there are lesser prioritized but still active task objects in the queue, the manager would trigger the handles of these active tasks.


Note that Lady Deirdre allows you to create your own task handle types with more complex triggering logic by implementing the TaskHandle trait on the user-defined type. In this case, you would use this type as the second generic parameter of the Analyzer object.

Tasks Interruption

The Analyzer itself examines the handle during the semantic graph validation between the attribute validation bounds. If the validation procedure determines that the handle was triggered in the middle of the analysis, the validator will leave the semantic graph in a not-yet-completed state (without breaking its integrity), and it will start returning the Interrupted error from all corresponding functions.

For example, the Attr::read function used inside the computable functions and the Attr::snapshot function used to get a copy of the attribute value from outside both would start returning the Interrupted error.

Receiving this error signals that the task handle was triggered, indicating that you are no longer able to query the semantic graph using this task object, and that you should gracefully finish the worker's job by dropping the task object as soon as possible.

When you receive this error inside the computable function, you should return this error as well from the function.

#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BlockAssignmentMap {
    pub map: HashMap<NodeRef, Shared<LocalResolution>>,

impl SharedComputable for BlockAssignmentMap {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute_shared<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Shared<Self>> {
        log_attr::<Self, H, S>(context)?;

        let block_ref = context.node_ref();
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(block_ref.id).unwrap_abnormal()?;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        let Some(ChainNode::Block { semantics, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        let block_semantics = semantics.get().unwrap_abnormal()?;

        // The `?` mark would return the Interrupted error from this function if
        // the `read` function was interrupted.

Note that the validator checks interruption events only between computable function calls. In principle, it is not capable of checking this event during function execution. To make the trigger handle state examination more granular, you can manually check its state in long-running computable functions.

For instance, in the BlockAnalysis attribute of the Chain Analysis example, we are checking the interruption state during the iteration through the assignment statements of the block.

impl Computable for BlockAnalysis {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Self> {
        let block_ref = context.node_ref();
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(block_ref.id).unwrap_abnormal()?;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        let mut result = Self::default();

        let Some(ChainNode::Block { statements, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(result);

        let mut block_namespace = BlockNamespace::default();

        for st_ref in statements {
            // Returns an Interrupted error if the task handle had been triggered.

            // ...


Tasks Priority

The second argument of the task request functions (e.g., analyze, mutate, etc.) is a numeric type denoting the task's priority.

The task manager attempts to prioritize tasks with a higher priority number over tasks with a lower priority number when enqueueing the task object into the task queue.

Bulk Interruption

You can specify the minimum tasks priority level allowed in the Analyzer by calling the Analyzer::set_access_level function and specifying the priority threshold.

Calling this function will interrupt all currently active tasks with a priority lower than the threshold.

Non-active pending tasks with a priority lower than the threshold will be removed from the task queue, and the corresponding requester threads will be unblocked, immediately receiving Interrupted errors.

All future task requests with a lower priority than the current threshold will also receive Interrupted errors.

This function is particularly useful for shutting down the entire compiler gracefully. By specifying the maximum threshold value, you can enforce all tasks of all kinds to shut down gracefully, preventing access from being granted to any new incoming task requests.