Syntax Session

Inside the hand-written parse function, you will use the session variable provided by the macro-generated code when it invokes this function.

The variable is of type SyntaxSession, which provides an interface to read input tokens and manage the output syntax tree.

The final goal of the parse function is to read some tokens from the syntax session to recognize the target grammar rule and initialize and return an instance of the syntax tree node as a result of the parsing procedure.

Input Tokens Stream

The SyntaxSession trait is at first place a supertrait of TokenCursor, representing an input stream for the parser.

From this interface, you can read tokens' metadata ahead of the current stream position. For example, the session.token(0) function returns the first token that has not been consumed yet, session.token(1) reads the next token, and so on. Other similar lookahead functions allow you to observe more metadata about the tokens1. However, typically, the syntax parser should only rely on the token instances when making a decision to change its own inner parse state2.

None of these lookahead functions move the input stream forward. Once your parse algorithm has observed a few tokens ahead, analyzed them, and made a decision to actually "consume" these tokens, the algorithm calls the TokenCursor::advance function, which consumes one token and moves the stream position to the next token, or TokenCursor::skip, which allows you to consume several tokens.

For instance, in the Expr Parser example, we are parsing a sequence of whitespaces iteratively by reading the tokens one by one:

fn skip_trivia<'a>(session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>) {
    loop {
        // Looking ahead at the next token.
        let token = session.token(0);

        // If the token is not a whitespace token, finish the parse procedure.
        if token != BoolToken::Whitespace {

        // Otherwise, if the token is a whitespace, consume it, and resume
        // the loop from the next token. 

Note that the above function, as a helper function in the overall procedure, could potentially parse zero tokens. However, the general algorithm is required to consume at least one token from the non-empty input stream.


For instance, session.string(0) would return a substring of the source code text covered by the first token.


Furthermore, ideally, the parser should look ahead at no more than a single token ahead of the stream position (session.token(0)). The fewer tokens you look ahead, the better incremental reparsing performance you would gain. However, this is not a strict requirement. Looking at a few tokens ahead is generally acceptable.

Error Recovering

If the parsing algorithm hasn't finished yet but encounters an unexpected token in the middle of the parsing procedure — a token that normally shouldn't exist in the input stream based on the current parse state — this is a syntax error.

Conventionally, in a hand-written parser, you should follow the same error recovery approaches common for parsers generated by the macro. More likely, you would use the panic recovery procedure.

To avoid manually reimplementing the panic recovery algorithm and to be consistent with the auto-generated parsers, Lady Deirdre exposes the Recovery configurable object that implements this algorithm, which is also used inside the macro-generated code.

The Recovery object has the same configuration options that you would use inside the #[recovery(...)] macro attribute: the Recovery::unexpected function adds a halting token, and the Recovery::group function adds a group of tokens that should be treated as a whole.

It is assumed that this object will be constructed upfront in the const context and stored in a static for fast reuse.

Depending on the parsing procedure complexity, you may want to prepare several Recovery objects for various types of syntax errors. For instance, in the Expr Parser example, there are three prepared Recovery objects: one to recover from syntax errors in the operators, one for operands, and one for errors inside the parentheses.

static OPERAND_RECOVERY: Recovery =
    // Creates an unlimited recovery configuration without groups
    // and halting tokens.
        // Adds a group of parenthesis tokens.
        // The sequence of tokens like `(...)` will be consumed as a whole
        // during the panic recovery.
        .group(BoolToken::ParenOpen as u8, BoolToken::ParenClose as u8)
        // If the recoverer encounters a `)` token somewhere outside of any
        // group, it halts the recovery procedure (the halting token will
        // not be consumed).
        .unexpected(BoolToken::ParenClose as u8);

To apply the panic recovery procedure, you call the Recovery::recover function, passing it the session variable and the set of tokens the recoverer should look for. The function will consume as many tokens as needed according to the configured rules and will return an object describing whether the procedure managed to find the required token or failed to do so due to a specific reason (e.g., a halting token has been reached).

Regardless of the recovery result, you should report the error using the SyntaxSession::failure function.

// A set of tokens that we expect as the leftmost token of an operand.
static OPERAND_TOKENS: TokenSet = TokenSet::inclusive(&[
    BoolToken::True as u8,
    BoolToken::False as u8,
    BoolToken::ParenOpen as u8,

// ...

fn parse_operand<'a>(
    session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>,
    context: NodeRule,
) -> NodeRef {
    loop {
        let token = session.token(0);

        match token {
            // Handling expected tokens.
            BoolToken::True => return parse_true_operand(session),
            BoolToken::False => return parse_false_operand(session),
            BoolToken::ParenOpen => return parse_group(session),

            // Otherwise, try to recover using the panic recovery algorithm.
            _ => {
                // A SiteRef of where the unexpected token was encountered.
                let start_site_ref = session.site_ref(0);

                // Runs the recovery procedure. This function possibly consumes
                // some tokens from the input stream (using `session`).
                let result = OPERAND_RECOVERY.recover(session, &OPERAND_TOKENS);

                // A SiteRef of where the recoverer finishes.
                let end_site_ref = session.site_ref(0);

                // Regardless of the recovery result, the syntax error has
                // to be reported.
                session.failure(SyntaxError {
                    span: start_site_ref..end_site_ref,
                    recovery: result,
                    expected_tokens: &OPERAND_TOKENS,
                    expected_nodes: &EMPTY_NODE_SET,

                // If the recoverer failed to recover, finish the parse loop;
                // otherwise, resume parsing from the recovered token stream
                // position.
                if !result.recovered() {
                    return NodeRef::nil();

Rules Descending

Whenever your parser needs to descend into other rules, you basically have two options:

  1. Call the SyntaxSession::descend function, which gives control flow back to the parsing environment.
  2. Create and parse the node manually using a pair of functions: SyntaxSession::enter and SyntaxSession::leave.

The result of the descend function would be similar to if the parsing environment parsed the requested node: it will advance the token cursor of the session to as many tokens as needed to cover the parsing rule, it will add a branch of nodes to the syntax tree as a result of parsing, and it will return you a NodeRef reference of the top node of the branch. Basically, the descend function performs a normal parsing procedure, except that in practice, during incremental reparsing, this function could potentially utilize the parsing environment's inner cache to bypass real parsing steps.

You should prefer to use the descend function on the primary nodes whenever possible.

In the Expr Parser example, we are using this method to descend into the subexpression when parsing the expression group surrounded by the (...) parentheses.

fn parse_group<'a>(
   session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>,
) -> NodeRef {
    // Consumes the opening "(" token.

    // Skips whitespaces in between.

    // Parses the inner expression.
    let inner = session.descend(BoolNode::EXPR);

    // In the rest of the code, we are parsing the closing ")" token and return
    // the `inner` NodeRef to the parsed subexpression.

Calling the descend function requires you to follow the same requirements as if you were descending into the rule from the Node macro expression:

  1. Left recursion is forbidden. You should not call this function at the beginning of the parse procedure if descending into this rule could directly or indirectly lead to recursive calling of the current parsing procedure. Such a call is likely to result in infinite recursion. However, descending into the same rule in the middle of the parsing is perfectly fine. In particular, the parse_group function recursively descends into the same parse_expr procedure because we forcefully consume the ( token before the call.
  2. The variant you descend to must have a parser. The variant should have a #[rule(...)].

The second method allows you to parse the subnode manually and is generally not restricted to the above limitations.

Calling the enter function starts node parsing. Calling the leave function finishes the subparser and returns the syntax session to parsing of the parent node. The enter and leave functions must be properly balanced: entering into the subparse context must always be enclosed by leaving the context.

In the leave function, you specify the instance of the node that is the product of the subparser. This function returns a NodeRef of the product deployed to the syntax tree (similarly to the descend function).

fn parse_true_operand<'a>(
   session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>,
) -> NodeRef {
    // Starts "true" node parsing.

    // Consumes the "true" token.

    // A NodeRef of the syntax tree node currently being parsed.
    let node = session.node_ref();
    // A NodeRef of the parent node that we parsed before entering into
    // the "true" node subparser.
    let parent = session.parent_ref();

    // Finishes "true" node subparser, and returns its NodeRef.
    return session.leave(BoolNode::True { node, parent });

Note that both descend and enter functions require the rule number as an argument. Having this number, the parsing environment reveals nesting between the parsing procedures, which is specifically important for building the parser tree.

These numbers are the constants that were specified in the #[denote(TRUE)] macro attributes when we set up the derive macro.

Left Recursion

Lady Deirdre follows an approach to handling left recursion by lifting syntax tree nodes to their siblings, such that the node becomes a child of its former sibling.

When parsing code such as true & false, first, you parse the true operand. If the input stream finishes at this step, you return this node as the result product of parsing. Otherwise, when the parser encounters an & token, it starts a new binary operator parser immediately lifting the previously created operand to the current operator's context, then parses the second operand and finishes the operator parser. You can repeat this procedure iteratively to create a left-rotated binary tree.

The SyntaxSession::lift function "transplants" the syntax tree branch created just before we enter the new node subparser to the context of this subparser. In particular, this function automatically changes the parent NodeRef of the former sibling to the node that we start parsing.

From the operator parser of the Expr Parser example:

BoolToken::And => {
    if binding >= 2 {
        return accumulator;

    // The `accumulator` is the result product of the overall parse procedure.
    let left = accumulator;

    // Entering into the `&` operator subparser.
    let node = session.enter(BoolNode::AND);
    // The accumulated product could be Nil due to syntax errors.
    // In this case, we should not and cannot lift it.
    if !left.is_nil() {
        // Makes the former accumulated node the child (the left-hand operand)
        // of the currently parsed operator.

    let parent = session.parent_ref();

    // Consumes the `&` token.

    // Parses the right-hand side of the operator.
    let right = parse_operator(session, BoolNode::AND, 2);

    // Finishes operator subparser, and sets the result to the `accumulator`
    // for reuse on the next loop step.
    accumulator = session.leave(BoolNode::And {

Nodes Relations

In contrast to the macro-generated parsers, in the hand-written parser, you have to instantiate and properly initialize the instance of the node manually: when you return the final result from the overall parse procedure, and when you finish the inner subparsers via the leave function.

To set up the node-to-parent relation, you can use the SyntaxSession::parent_ref function that returns a NodeRef reference to the parent node in the syntax tree of the currently parsed node.

The SyntaxSession::node_ref returns a NodeRef reference of the currently parsed node that will be deployed into the syntax tree when the parser finishes parsing (or subparsing) process.

To set up the child NodeRefs, you can use the result of the descend and leave functions.

Whenever the parse procedure encounters syntax errors that cannot be recovered, the parser function should set the child references to the most reasonable defaults following the same approach as in the macro-generated parsers.