Semantic Graph

A semantic attribute (Attr object) consists of a cache for a value of an arbitrary user-defined type and a function that computes this value when invoked by the Analyzer's inner algorithm.

Inside the Computable function that computes the value, you can access other attribute values, the syntax and lexical content of the compilation units, and other Analyzer-related elements from the context argument of the AttrContext type. This argument is the source of the inputs to the function, allowing you to infer and return the resulting attribute value.

The implementation of the function should be deterministic and generally free of side effects. Typically, it should compute the output value solely based on the inputs.

Attribute Value

What you compute inside the function depends on your semantics design. It could be the type of a variable introduced in the source code, or the occurrences of a particular identifier throughout the source code. Essentially, it encompasses anything needed to express the programming language's semantic rules and to enhance the language server, thereby assisting the end user in the code editor1.

Typically, an attribute computes a value that logically belongs to the syntax tree node on which it is instantiated. From the context argument, you can access the NodeRef that points to the node owning this attribute. Using this NodeRef reference, you can determine the document (by the document's id) that contains this node and read the corresponding node instance.

#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BlockAnalysis {
    pub assignments: Shared<BlockAssignmentMap>,
    pub blocks: Shared<BlockNamespaceMap>,

impl Computable for BlockAnalysis {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Self> {
        // A NodeRef that points to the syntax tree node owning this
        // attribute (assumed to be a `ChainNode::Block` enum variant in this case).
        let block_ref = context.node_ref();
        // Requests the Document object that stores the corresponding
        // compilation unit and its syntax tree in particular.
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(;
        let doc: &Document<ChainNode> = doc_read.deref();

        // Dereferences the instance of the syntax tree node to iterate through
        // the block statements.
        let Some(ChainNode::Block { statements, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            // If we encounter that the syntax tree is broken for any reason,
            // we return the (possibly unfinished) state of the computable
            // value regardless.
            // The computable functions strive to infer as much metadata
            // as possible without panicking.
            return Ok(Self::default());
        // Traversing through the block statements.
        for st_ref in statements {
            match st_ref.deref(doc) {
                // ...
        // ...

Similarly to the syntax analysis stage, semantic analysis should be resilient to errors. If the computable function cannot fully infer the target value, it attempts to compute as much metadata as possible or fallback to reasonable defaults without causing a panic. For this reason, most semantic model objects in the Chain Analysis example implement the Default trait.

For instance, in Rust source code, when introducing a variable with let x;, the variable's type depends on the initialization expression. In the type-inference attribute's computable function, we attempt to infer the Rust type of the variable based on known initialization points. If we cannot fully infer the type, we may infer it to a reasonable possibility or possibilities.


Attributes are general-purpose; you can store any arbitrary data inside them, not necessarily related to language semantics only. For example, when implementing a programming language compiler, you can store middle-end or even back-end artifacts of the compiler in some attributes. In this sense, Lady Deirdre's semantic analysis framework could serve as an entry point to the middle- or back-end compiler, even though these compilation stages are not the direct purpose of Lady Deirdre.

The Graph

Inside the computable function of the attribute, you can read other attribute values. This mechanism allows you to infer more specific semantic facts from more general facts.

For instance, in the Chain Analysis example, the LocalResolution attribute infers let-statement references within the local block in which it was declared based on all local assignments (BlockAssignmentMap attribute) within this block.

#[derive(Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum LocalResolution {

impl SharedComputable for LocalResolution {
    type Node = ChainNode;

    fn compute_shared<H: TaskHandle, S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        context: &mut AttrContext<Self::Node, H, S>,
    ) -> AnalysisResult<Shared<Self>> {
        // The NodeRef reference points to the key `ChainNode::Key` enum variant.
        let key_ref = context.node_ref();

        // The Document that owns this node's syntax tree.
        let doc_read = context.read_doc(;
        let doc = doc_read.deref();

        // Dereferencing the "Key" node to access its semantics.
        let Some(ChainNode::Key { semantics, .. }) = key_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        // Fetches the local `ChainNode::Block`'s NodeRef within the scope of
        // which the Key node resides.
        let block_ref = semantics

        // Dereferencing this block node instance.
        let Some(ChainNode::Block { semantics, .. }) = block_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        // Accessing the block's semantics.
        let block_semantics = semantics.get().unwrap_abnormal()?;

        // Reading the `BlockAssignmentMap` attribute of the Block.
        let assignments = block_semantics

        // Looking up for an entry inside this map that belongs to the key.
        let Some(resolution) = assignments.as_ref().map.get(key_ref) else {
            return Ok(Shared::default());

        //  Cloning the value from the entry, which will be the value of
        // the computable attribute.

In this snippet, particularly on the line, we are reading the value of another attribute. The Attr::read function takes the current context reference and returns a RAII read-guard of the attribute's value.

When we read an attribute inside another attribute, we're indicating to the context that the value of the reader depends on the value of what's being read.

The act of reading establishes dependency relations between the attributes, so that the cached value of the reader is subject to recomputations whenever any of its dependencies change.

The system of attributes and their dependencies forms a Semantic Graph.

You don't specify this graph upfront; Lady Deirdre reveals the structure of the graph at runtime when it calls the computable function, which tells the Analyzer how one specific attribute depends on another.

This graph is dynamically evolving and potentially subject to reconfiguration as the computable function passes through different control flow paths. However, Lady Deirdre imposes one important limitation: the graph should not have cycles. In other words, a computable function of an attribute cannot read the value of an attribute that directly or indirectly reads its own value.

In the example above, the LocalResolution attribute depends on the BlockAssignmentMap attribute, which in turn depends on the BlockAnalysis attribute, an entry-point attribute that does not read any other attributes. Thus, this dependency chain is straightforward and does not have any cycles by design.

Avoiding cyclic dependencies between attributes is a rule that you should manually implement when designing the programming language semantics. Lady Deirdre provides some tools to detect possible errors in the graph design, which we will discuss in the next chapters.