Node References

Instances of nodes in the syntax tree are owned by the syntax tree manager (e.g., by the Document or ImmutableSyntaxTree).

Similar to the TokenRef reference used to access individual tokens in the source code, the NodeRef referential object is used to obtain access to instances of syntax tree nodes.

NodeRefs are cheap to copy and are lifetime-independent objects representing globally unique composite numeric indices. However, their functions require references to the syntax tree managers in order to dereference corresponding nodes owned by the manager. It's important to note that a NodeRef could potentially represent an invalid reference if the node was removed.

use lady_deirdre::{
    syntax::{NodeRef, PolyRef, SyntaxTree},

let doc = Document::<JsonNode>::new_immutable(r#"{
   "foo": true,
   "bar": [123, null]

// Returns a referential object that points to the root of the syntax tree.
let root_ref: NodeRef = doc.root_node_ref();

// Documents always have a root.

let Some(JsonNode::Root {object,..}) = root_ref.deref(&doc) else {
    // Validity checked above.

// Nil NodeRefs are intentionally invalid references within any compilation unit.

Polymorphic References

Since both NodeRef and TokenRef can serve as types for the children of syntax tree nodes, they both implement a generic trait PolyRef that provides common functions for both.

For example, PolyRef::span returns the site span of the referred object's bounds.

The PolyRef trait is an object-safe trait, useful for handling tree children without breaking the call chain. For instance, if you are confident that a particular instance of a PolyRef type is a NodeRef, you can use the PolyRef::as_node_ref function to cast the instance to a NodeRef; otherwise, it returns a nil NodeRef without causing a panic if the instance is not a NodeRef.

use lady_deirdre::{
    lexis::{Position, ToSpan},
    syntax::{PolyRef, SyntaxTree},

let doc = Document::<JsonNode>::new_immutable(r#"{
   "foo": true,
   "bar": [123, null]

let root_span = doc
    .as_node_ref() // We are confident that `root_node_ref` returns a NodeRef.
    .unwrap() // We are confident that the root NodeRef is a valid reference.
    .unwrap(); // Site span can be casted to a Position span.

assert_eq!(root_span, Position::new(1, 1)..Position::new(4, 2));

Finally, Lady Deirdre provides an owned version of the PolyRef trait, known as PolyVariant. PolyVariant is a simple enum with NodeRef and TokenRef variants. You can convert either of these referential objects into a PolyVariant using the PolyRef::as_variant function whenever you need a generic owned referential object for the compilation unit's content.

Note that PolyVariant itself also implements the PolyRef trait.