
Semantic analysis is the final stage of the compilation project processing.

The Semantic Model is a set of user-defined data objects that collectively form an abstraction over the syntax trees of the compilation project.

These data objects are constructed by associated user-defined computable functions. Together, the model's data object and its associated function are called an attribute.

Attributes are objects owned by the syntax tree nodes. By traversing the syntax tree and querying their attribute values (the data objects of the semantic model), you discover the semantics of the compilation project.

Some attributes are the inputs of the semantic model; they perform a direct initial mapping of the syntax and lexical structures of the compilation units to a subset of the semantic model. Other attributes infer derived information from other attribute values.

Dependencies between attributes form a semantic graph. This graph is a lazy-evolving, demand-driven structure and is subject to incremental recomputations. Subsets of the graph are computed or recomputed whenever you query attributes from these subsets. The rest of the graph remains in an uninitialized or outdated state.

Lady Deirdre's semantic analysis framework helps you organize these data structures and compute the semantic graph efficiently, possibly from multiple concurrent threads, while keeping it in sync with changes in the source code of the compilation project.

Chain Analysis Example

The subchapters of this book section refer to the Chain Analysis example, which illustrates the basic concepts of the framework.

The example program attempts to analyze a simple programming language consisting of nested code blocks, where each block contains variable assignment expressions and sub-blocks.

    x = 100;

        y = x;

            z = y;
            w = 200;
            u = w;

On the left-hand side of the assignment is the name of the variable (a "Key") being introduced. On the right-hand side is either a numeric value or a reference to a variable introduced previously. Variables can shadow each other.

The compiler computes the numeric values of the variables based on the system of references between them. For instance, the variable z in the above snippet has a value of 100 because it refers to the variable y, which in turn refers to the variable x, having a numeric value of 100.

The non-incremental approach to this problem is straightforward. We can create a hashmap ("namespace") with the keys representing variable names and the values representing the currently inferred numbers for these variables. Then, we perform a depth-first traversal through the entire graph. Whenever we encounter an assignment expression, we insert an entry into the map with the key from the left-hand side of the expression and a value that is either a number from the right-hand side or, if the right-hand side is a reference, we retrieve the numeric value associated with that reference from the same map. After processing each assignment expression, we associate the key of that expression with the inferred number.

The above approach is inefficient in practice for two reasons:

  1. In a code editor, the end-user typically views just one screen of the source code text at a time. Therefore, computing the entire tree is unnecessary most of the time.
  2. Rerunning this procedure on every end-user's keystroke is necessary to keep the assignment expressions in sync with the changes.

To make this procedure more incremental and lazily computable, instead of computing the entire procedure at once, we would split it into independent sub-procedures localized for each code block.

For each code block, we will create its own namespace hashmap and traverse the block's statements similarly to the previous approach:

  • Whenever we encounter an assignment expression, we will try to resolve it based on the current hashmap state as before. However, if the assignment refers to a variable that does not exist in the map, we assume that the referenced variable is external. In this case, we will use a string with this reference name in the map's entry as a marker that this variable is external.
  • If we encounter a nested block, we will not descend into this block. Instead, we will associate this block with the current copy of the hashmap.
    x = 100; // x = 100

    // namespace copy: x = 100
        y = x; // y = "x"

        // namespace copy: y = "x"
            z = y; // x = "y"
            w = 200; // w = 200
            u = w; // u = 200

Note that the above block procedures are independent from each other. Each block's procedure can be run in any order, and the running could be postponed until needed.

To query a particular variable's resolution, first, we run the block procedure into which it is nested. Then, we look at the local variable resolution: if the variable was already resolved to a numeric value by its block procedure (such as x, w, or u variables), we are done.

Otherwise, we run the procedure of the parent block and look at the copy of the namespace that the parent's procedure assigns to our block. If the namespace contains a numeric value for the referred token, we are done. Otherwise, we repeat this iteration with the grandparent block, and so on, until we climb up to the ancestor where the number is found.

This incremental approach offers two advantages:

  1. Whenever we need to run the block-resolution procedure, we can cache its results as well as all intermediate resolutions. This means that the next time we resolve this or another variable that directly or indirectly depends on this block's local resolutions, we can retrieve their values from the cache.
  2. If the end-user types something in the block, we can erase only this block's caches. As a result, the previously computed resolutions can still utilize the caches that were not erased by these changes.

This example illustrates the core concept of the incremental semantic analysis framework. The source codes of the compilation units should be split into independent scopes, so that the local semantic information can be inferred from the states of the scopes. Then, higher-level procedures will infer higher-level semantics from the local semantics of the scopes by seamlessly connecting their bounds. Finally, all of these procedures would cache their results for reuse, and these caches are subject to invalidation depending on the changes in the source code.