Side Effects

Typically, implementations of attribute's Computable functions should be free of side effects: their results should not rely on the external environment state, and non-input attributes should be independent from changes in the syntax and lexical structure of the compilation units.

If the implementation has side effects that cannot be avoided, you have two ways to overcome the limitations of the validation procedure:

  1. You can invalidate any attribute manually using the Attr::invalidate function if you are aware that the external environment state has changed.

  2. Inside the computable function implementation, you can use the Context::subscribe function to subscribe this attribute to the Analyzer-wide event that could be triggered independently for bulk invalidation of the semantic graph attributes subscribed to a specific event. The event object that you would pass to this function is an arbitrary user-defined value of a numeric type1.

Both methods should be used conservatively as they could potentially impact the incremental capabilities of the framework.

However, one scenario where you might find these mechanisms useful is when your compiler manages several Analyzers of distinct programming languages that logically build up a single compilation project. Within this setup, changes in the state of one Analyzer could be propagated to some attributes of another Analyzer's setup.


There are a couple of built-in events as well, such as the DOC_UPDATED_EVENT, which denotes document-wide edits within the specified document regardless of the scopes. However, the majority of the value range is available for user-defined events.