Syntax Grammar

You define the syntax grammar using the Node derive macro on an arbitrary enum type that serves as the type for the syntax tree nodes.

Unlike the token enum, the node enum variants are required to have bodies with fields. These fields allow the parser to store parent-child relationships between nodes.

The node's parser is described in terms of LL(1) grammars using the #[rule(...)] macro attributes, which denote individual variant grammar rules.

Within these regex-like parse expressions, you can refer to other variants, establishing recursive descent parsing between the parse procedures.

Additionally, you can name any subexpression with the field: prefix inside the expression. This syntax enforces the generated parser to capture the result of the subexpression matching (whether it be a token or a syntax tree node) and place the matching result into the variant's field with the same name.

This process is called capturing, and it allows the parser to establish the node-to-children descending relationships between nodes.

The opposite ascending node-to-parent relationships are established automatically if you declare a variant field with the #[parent] macro attribute.

From the JSON example:

#[define(ANY = Object | Array | True | False | String | Number | Null)]
pub enum JsonNode {
    #[rule(object: Object)]
    Root {
        node: NodeRef,
        parent: NodeRef,
        object: NodeRef,

    #[rule(start: $BraceOpen (entries: Entry)*{$Comma} end: $BraceClose)]
    Object {
        node: NodeRef,
        parent: NodeRef,
        start: TokenRef,
        entries: Vec<NodeRef>,
        end: TokenRef,

    #[rule(key: String $Colon value: ANY)]
    Entry {
        node: NodeRef,
        parent: NodeRef,
        key: NodeRef,
        value: NodeRef,
    // ...

    #[rule(value: $String)]
    String {
        node: NodeRef,
        parent: NodeRef,
        value: TokenRef,

The Node macro generates an optimized and error-resistant syntax parser based on the provided grammar rules. The macro allows you to replace individual node-generated parsers with hand-written parsers, where you can implement custom recursive-descent logic with potentially unlimited lookahead and left recursion. Hand-written parsers will be discussed in more detail in the next chapters of this guide.

Macro API

In this chapter, I will intentionally omit some details, referring you to the macro documentation for a more verbose description of the available features, and to the JSON example as an example of a node implementation that utilizes most of the macro's capabilities.

Some general points to note about the macro API are:

  1. The #[token(JsonToken)] macro attribute specifies the type of the token. This attribute is required and denotes the alphabet of the parsing input.
  2. The #[trivia($Whitespace)] macro attribute describes elements that you want to omit automatically in the variant parsers between matching tokens. Trivia is a normal parsing expression that will be repeated zero or more times between each token. Typically, this expression enumerates whitespace tokens and refers to the comment variants of the grammar. The trivia expression can be overridden for each parsable variant (e.g., comments and string parsers might have different trivia expressions).
  3. There is exactly one enum variant annotated with the #[root] macro attribute. This variant denotes the syntax tree root and serves as the entry point of the grammar.
  4. A variant field annotated with the #[node] attribute is a reference to the current node1.
  5. A variant field with the #[parent] attribute is a reference to the parent node of the current node. This field establishes a node-to-parent relation and will be automatically updated by the incremental reparser.
  6. A variant field with the #[child] attribute establishes a node-to-child relation. The name of the field must match one of the capturing operator keys, and the type must correspond to the capturing type (node or token) and the capturing repetition.

NodeRef references are similar to TokenRef composite-index references, as they point to particular syntax tree instances of the compilation unit. We will discuss them in more detail in the next chapters as well.

Incremental Reparsing

The parser generated by the macro will be suitable for incremental reparsing.

By default, all node variants are subject to eager caching during incremental reparsing. These variant nodes are called Primary.

If you annotate a variant with the #[secondary] macro attribute, you inform the macro that this node is Secondary, and it should not be cached.

Rule Expressions

The expression syntax of the #[rule(...)] macro attribute is similar to the regular expression syntax of the Token macro, except that inside the parse expression, we match tokens (prefixed with a dollar sign: $Colon) and nodes (without a dollar sign: Object) instead of Unicode characters.

Since the LL(1) parser is a recursive-descent parser that looks at most one token ahead to make a decision in the choice operator (A | B), you should consider the leftmost set2 of the descending rules.

For example, the expression A | B would be ambiguous if both A and B variant rules could start matching with the same token. Similarly, the expression A | $Foo would be ambiguous if A could start with the $Foo token.

All variant rules except the #[root] variant and the trivia expressions must parse at least one token. The Root variant is allowed to parse potentially empty token streams.

The macro will check these and other requirements and yield descriptive error messages if one of the requirements is violated.

Similar to the Token's regexes, you can use the dump(...) operator for debugging purposes, which prints the state-machine transitions, captures, and the leftmost set of the surrounding parse expression.


The set of tokens from which the parse rule starts matching directly or indirectly by descending into other rules is called the "leftmost set".


The expression operator start: $BraceOpen means that the parser matches the token "BraceOpen" and puts its TokenRef reference into the "start" field of the variant's body.

The operator can capture either a node or a token. If there is something else on the right-hand side, the capture operator will be spread to the inner operands. For example, foo: (Bar | Baz*) means the same as (foo: Bar) | (foo: Baz)*.

The type of the corresponding field depends on what the operator captures (node or token) and how many times. If the operator could be applied no more than once, the field type would be NodeRef or TokenRef, respectively. If the operator could be applied more than once, the type would be a Vec of NodeRef or TokenRef.


  • In foo: Bar, the "foo" field would have the type NodeRef.
  • In foo: $Bar, the "foo" field would have the type TokenRef.
  • In foo: Bar & foo: Baz, the "foo" field would have the type Vec.
  • In foo: Bar*, the "foo" field would also have the type Vec.
  • In foo: $Bar?, the "foo" field would have the type TokenRef because "Bar" can be matched no more than one time. If the parser never matches "Bar", the "foo" field receives the value TokenRef::nil.


  1. Keep the syntax grammar simple.

    The purpose of the syntax tree is to express the general nesting structure of the source code to assist the further semantic analysis stage. If your language grammar contains rules that require higher-level lookaheads or context-dependent parsing, it might be better to parse a more simplified subset of this syntax at the syntax parse stage, leaving the rest of the analysis to the semantic stage.

  2. Always capture the start and end bounds of the node.

    If your parse rules would capture the start and end tokens either directly or indirectly by capturing the starting and ending nodes of this node, these captures would help Lady Deirdre properly understand the starting and ending sites of the node. This is especially important for functions such as the NodeRef::span function.

    In particular, for this reason, in the JSON object and array rules, we capture start and end tokens even though they are meaningless in terms of syntax tree traversing.

  3. Annotate the captured fields with the #[child] attribute.

    By annotating the captured field with this attribute, you make it clear that the corresponding field should be treated as a node's child, even if this child is a token.

    For instance, the traverse_tree function relies on this metadata when performing the syntax tree depth-first traversal.

  4. Keep the #[child] fields in order.

    For the same reasons, the captured fields should appear in the variant's body in the same order as they appear in the parse expressions. For example, if you have a #[rule(foo: $Foo & bar: Bar* & baz: $Baz)] rule, the variant fields should come in this order: "foo", "bar", and "baz".

  5. Don't capture semantically meaningless inner tokens.

    Capturing a comma token in a comma-separated list, for example, is likely unnecessary because you wouldn't rely on the list separators when analyzing the list.

    Note that for source code formatting purposes, you would use a dedicated API where all tokens are intentionally included in the parse tree regardless of their omission in the syntax tree.

  6. Prefer wrapping semantically meaningful tokens into dedicated nodes.

    When you encounter an intermediate token in the rule's expression that potentially addresses semantic metadata (e.g., a variable identifier in let x), you always have a choice: either capture it as is or introduce a dedicated node (e.g., "Identifier") that captures the token separately, and then capture the introduced node in the rule.

    For semantic analysis purposes, it would be more convenient to always work with node captures, so you should prefer wrapping.

    For example, in the JSON object entry rule, we capture the entry's key as a node-wrapper (String node) rather than as a token for this reason.

  7. Make the leaf nodes the Secondary nodes.

    By default, all nodes of the syntax tree are subject to eager caching. In practice, the incremental reparser probably performs better if you limit the cache to the structurally complex nodes only and annotate the rest of the node variants with the #[secondary] attribute.

    In the JSON example syntax, Root, Object, Entry, and Array are the primary nodes and could be cached during incremental reparsing. However, the leaf nodes such as String, Number, and others are secondary nodes. The incremental reparser will prefer to reparse their values during reparsing, saving cache memory.