Tree Index

The semantic analysis framework of Lady Deirdre is capable of maintaining user-defined context-unaware indexes of the document's syntax tree nodes.

Examples of these indices include all methods within the document, all code blocks, identifiers partitioned by name, and so forth.

Indices serve various purposes. For instance, in the previous chapter, we discussed document-wide diagnostics, where the root's diagnostic attribute collects local diagnostics from all scope nodes within the document. To support this attribute, you can define an index of all scopes within the document. The attribute will then read this class of nodes inside the computable function to inspect all their local diagnostic attribute values.

Another example involves highlighting all identifiers within the code related to a single variable. Typically, within the attributes framework, it's easier to establish the variable usage node's definition node than the opposite relations. When the end user clicks on the variable usage symbol in the code editor, the language client requests from the language server all highlighted spans related to the symbol on which the user clicks.

Here's how you can fulfill a request for highlighting all identifiers within the code that relate to a single variable:

  1. Traverse the syntax tree to determine the node on which the end user clicks1.
  2. Query this node's attribute to retrieve its variable definition node. At this point, we discover two spans: the variable usage span where the user's cursor is and the variable definition span. However, we don't yet know about other variable usage spans within the code that would be useful for the editor's user.
  3. Query the index of all variable usages within the code with the specific name. Some of these will be the identifiers we are looking for, while others may be false candidates located outside the variable definition scope.
  4. Since false candidates are likely to be a relatively small subset, owing to the practice of programmers using distinct variable names, filter out these false instances in the set. This can be achieved by querying their definition attributes again to determine if they have the same definition node as the one discovered in step 2.

You can utilize depth-first traversal using the Document::traverse_tree function. By skipping the descent into child nodes with spans that don't cover the targeted site, the traversal complexity averages to O(ln(N)), where N is the number of nodes in the tree. In other words, traversing will typically be quite fast.

Index Setup

To enable the index, you need to specify the nodes classifier using the #[classifier(...)] macro attribute.

pub enum ChainNode {
   // ...

The parameter of this macro attribute is an arbitrary type that implements the Classifier trait. It denotes classes of nodes, essentially serving as indices, and the function that partitions requested nodes between these classes.

In the Chain Analysis example, we define just one class for all ChainNode::Key nodes within the syntax tree.

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum ChainNodeClass {
    AllKeys, // All keys

pub struct ChainNodeClassifier;

impl Classifier for ChainNodeClassifier {
    // Must match the type of the syntax tree node.
    type Node = ChainNode;
    // Could be any user-defined type eligible for the HashSet. 
    type Class = ChainNodeClass;

    // Given the Document and the NodeRef that points to the node inside this
    // document, this function should compute a set of classes to which this
    // node belongs, possibly returning an empty set.
    fn classify<S: SyncBuildHasher>(
        doc: &Document<Self::Node>,
        node_ref: &NodeRef,
    ) -> HashSet<Self::Class, S> {
        let mut result = HashSet::with_hasher(S::default());

        let Some(node) = node_ref.deref(doc) else {
            return result;

        match node {
            ChainNode::Key { .. } => {
                let _ = result.insert(ChainNodeClass::AllKeys);

            _ => (),


Inside the classification function, it's recommended (and necessary) to dereference the specified node to determine its classes. You can examine its lexical structure but should avoid inspecting the node's parent and child node structures, as the classification should be context-unaware. Classes of the nodes are simple lexical classes.

In the above code, we classify the node by its enum discriminant only. In more complex setups, you can use the TokenRef references of the node, as these references are part of the node's lexical structure. For example, we could partition the Keys by their token strings as well, using the strings as part of the class.

Index Maintenance

The Analyzer automatically maintains the index. During the initial parsing of the newly created document, the Analyzer creates a document index by calling the above function on each syntax tree node, associating each class with the set of nodes of this class.

When you edit the document (using the write_to_doc function), the Analyzer incrementally updates this partition based on the changes in the structure of the syntax tree.

Index Access

You can query a set of nodes of the document that belong to a specified class both inside the computable functions of the attributes using the read_class function of the context variable, and outside using the snapshot_class function of the task object.

Both functions return a Shared set of the NodeRefs that point to the nodes in the document's syntax tree belonging to the class.

When you query the index from inside of the computable function, the attribute subscribes to changes in this class. Whenever the returning set changes, this attribute will be invalidated. Therefore, you can traverse and dereference the nodes from the returning set, and you can read their semantics too inside the computable function of any kind of attribute. However, in general, you should avoid inspecting these node structures more deeply.