The Analyzer

To recap, the Analyzer serves as the central object of the compiler, managing the compilation project's set of documents and the semantic graph.

The state of this object is presumed to be shared among multiple threads1. Specifically, numerous threads can edit various documents concurrently without blocking (provided they edit distinct documents). Additionally, multiple threads can query the semantic graph concurrently and often without blocking (especially when the threads query independent attributes). However, it's not possible to edit the documents and query their attributes simultaneously. When querying an attribute, the graph undergoes incremental recomputations that require synchronization of its state with changes in documents. Therefore, the content of the documents should remain fixed at the synchronization point.

For this reason, the API restricts access to the Analyzer's state: at any given time, you either mutate the state of the Analyzer (e.g., apply edits to the documents) or analyze the current state (e.g., query attribute values).

The Analyzer grants access to specific operations with its data through a system of task objects. You can think of a "task" as an RAII guard, through which you gain access to specific operations on the Analyzer's data2.

The Analyzer offers three types of task objects:

  • The AnalysisTask: This task allows you to query semantic graph attributes. You can have as many simultaneous task objects of this type as you need.
  • The MutationTask: With this task, you can create, edit, or remove documents, and you can trigger analyzer-wide events. Similar to AnalysisTask, you can have multiple simultaneous task objects of this type.
  • The ExclusiveTask: This task enables you to sequentially perform analysis and mutation operations within a single thread. However, you cannot have more than one task of this type simultaneously.

You obtain the task objects by requesting them from the Analyzer. For instance, the Analyzer::analyze function returns an AnalysisTask instance.

Each of these request functions could block the current thread if the Analyzer cannot grant requested access instantly. For instance, if two threads request analysis tasks, both of them will obtain access. However, if one thread requests an analysis task and another thread requests a mutation task, one of the threads will be blocked until the other releases the task object.

Informally, you can view the task system as a "RwLock" with complex access-granting rules, and the task objects as "RAII guards".


Even though, it's perfectly acceptable to use it from a single thread in a single-threaded process too.


Don't be confused by the term "task". A Task Object simply grants access to specific operations. While it's assumed that the task object would be associated with a thread worker in the end application architecture, Lady Deirdre doesn't manage threads itself, nor does it spawn any threads specifically. Managing threads isn't the focus of the crate; you have the freedom to organize the multithreaded (or single-threaded) architecture of your program however you see fit.

Mutation Task

The mutation task is utilized for creating, editing, or removing documents, as well as triggering analyzer-wide events.

let analyzer = Analyzer::<ChainNode>::new(AnalyzerConfig::default());

// A handle through which the task's thread could be gracefully interrupted.
// This interruption can be triggered either manually or by the Analyzer's inner
// task manager.
let handle = TriggerHandle::new();

// Requests the MutationTask.
let mut task = analyzer.mutate(&handle, 1).unwrap();

// Creates a new mutable document inside the Analyzer with the initial source
// code "test".
// The function returns an identifier for the created document.
let doc_id = task.add_mutable_doc("{ x: 10; }");

// Edits the document by its ID.
// This function may block if the document is currently being edited in another
// thread within another mutation task.
task.write_to_doc(doc_id, .., "{ y: 10; }").unwrap();

// Invalidates all attributes that have been subscribed to the event.
task.trigger_event(doc_id, 1234);

// Removes the document.

// Ensures that the document no longer exists in the Analyzer.

In the above code, the add_mutable_doc function resembles Document::new_mutable, and the write_to_doc function resembles Document::write, except that the Document instance is managed by the Analyzer.

Analysis Task

With the analysis task, you can read attributes of the semantic graph, but you cannot edit existing documents.

// Requests the AnalysisTask.
let task = analyzer.analyze(&handle, 1).unwrap();

// Gets read-only access to the document by its id.
let doc_read = task.read_doc(doc_id).unwrap();
let doc = doc_read.deref();

// Searching for a `ChainNode::Key` node within the syntax tree.

let Some(ChainNode::Root { block, .. }) = doc.root_node_ref().deref(doc) else {

let Some(ChainNode::Block { statements, .. }) = block.deref(doc) else {

let Some(ChainNode::Assignment { key, .. }) = statements[0].deref(doc) else {

let Some(ChainNode::Key { semantics, .. }) = key.deref(doc) else {

let (attribute_version, resolution) = semantics
    // The attribute of the node's semantic feature.
    // Returns a clone of the attribute's current value.

assert_eq!(resolution, GlobalResolution::Resolved(100));

Note the snapshot function in the above code that we're calling on the global_resolution attribute of the node's semantics.

This function executes the validation procedure and returns a pair of objects: the Analyzer's inner version at which the value of the attribute was updated, and a copy of the attribute's value.

The version number represents the inner version of the semantic graph state. The Analyzer increments its version number each time it updates the values within the semantic graph. This number always increases and never decreases.

The snapshot function returns the version at which the cache was updated. This number is useful for quickly checking if the attribute has a new value by comparing it with the version number received from this function previously.

The second object of the pair is a copy of the attribute's value. Unlike the Attr::read function used within computable functions, which returns a reference to the value, the snapshot function used externally copies the value (by cloning it).

For this reason, it's recommended to make the attribute's value type cheap to copy if the attribute is intended to be observed from outside of computable functions. Otherwise, you can wrap the value type into Shared.

Exclusive Task

You obtain the exclusive task using the Analyzer::exclusive function.

The Analyzer grants only one instance of this type of task at a time, but this task object provides both the analysis task and mutation task APIs.

The exclusive task is useful for both single-threaded and multi-threaded compilers.

In some language servers and code editors, a technique used to implement code-completion suggestions involves probing the source code by inserting a special secret word at the position of the end user cursor. This allows traversal of the tree to find the syntax tree node containing this word, thus identifying the part of the syntax the user was attempting to complete. Finally, the source code is restored by removing the inserted probing word.

All three steps — writing the probe word, analyzing the probed text, and removing the probe word — should be done as a single transaction to ensure atomicity. The exclusive task provides this atomicity, preventing other threads from reading or changing the probed text in between.

Documents Reading

From any kind of task, you can read the content of the document (both lexical and syntactical). The read_doc function returns a DocumentReadGuard RAII guard, through which you access the Document object immutably. While this guard is held, attempts to mutate this specific document (edit or remove) will be blocked. However, semantic analysis (e.g., querying attributes) is not affected because analysis does not require mutation of compilation units.

Shared Analyzer

As the Analyzer is going to be a central object of the compiler, it's recommended to either place it in a Shared or a Lazy static for easy access from multiple threads. This is somewhat analogous to placing a Mutex or RwLock with the program-wide state into an Arc to share it across threads.

All methods of the Analyzer's API are &self functions.

use lady_deirdre::{
    analysis::{Analyzer, AnalyzerConfig, TriggerHandle},

// This static will be initialized once you dereference it.
static MY_COMPILER: Lazy<Analyzer<ChainNode>> =
    Lazy::new(|| Analyzer::new(AnalyzerConfig::default()));

let handle = TriggerHandle::new();

let task = MY_COMPILER.mutate(&handle, 1).unwrap();

Single Document Compiler

Sometimes, the compiler you're developing is intended to compile a programming language without modules. For instance, vanilla JavaScript doesn't have modules; the entire JavaScript compilation project consists of just one file (one document).

In this case, you can configure the Analyzer when you instantiate it to manage no more than a single document.

use lady_deirdre::analysis::{Analyzer, AnalyzerConfig};

let mut config = AnalyzerConfig::default();

config.single_document = true;

let analyzer = Analyzer::<ChainNode>::new(config);

With this configuration option, you are turning off some inner memory and performance overhead that the Analyzer consumes to handle more than one document.

However, note that the single document Analyzer is still capable of managing more than one document, but it is likely that multi-document management would be less efficient. Therefore, you can use this configuration option to design the compiler to usually manage a single compilation unit but not strictly limit it to just one unit.

Custom Hasher

The semantic analysis framework under the hood utilizes hash maps and hash sets to store various kinds of inner metadata. By default, these maps and sets use Rust's standard RandomState hasher, which prioritizes stability for specific kinds of cryptography attacks relevant for network services. However, it is slower than other alternatives without such guarantees.

Since compilers and language servers intended to run solely on local machines usually don't require this level of security, the performance of the Analyzer could be improved by replacing the standard hasher with a faster compatible alternative from the Rust ecosystem, such as aHash.

To replace the hashing algorithm, you need to explicitly specify the third generic parameter of the Analyzer with the hashing algorithm type of your choice.