Pratt's Algorithm

In this chapter, I will explain how the algorithm implemented in the hand-written parser in the Expr Parser example works in general. You may find this approach useful for programming languages with infix expressions (math expressions with binary operators).

To recall, the example parses expressions of simple boolean logic: true and false are the atomic operands of the expression, _ & _ and _ | _ are conjunction and disjunction binary operators respectively, where the conjunction has a priority over disjunction (true & false | false & true means (true & false) | (false & true)). Finally, the language has a parenthesis grouping operator (e.g., (true | false)).

In theory, we could describe such a language in terms of the ordinary LL(1) grammar, for example, by parsing lists of operands separated by the operator tokens and disregarding the operators' precedence, assuming that the operator precedence will be established in the semantic analysis stage manually and based on the lists' content. However, such an approach is generally acceptable, but it is usually more convenient to work with an already prepared binary tree that properly reflects operands nesting.

Parsing binary trees with left and right recursion is generally impossible in LL-parsers because these parsers' grammar cannot express left recursion. However, inside the hand-written recursive descending parser, we can bypass this limitation.

The approach used behind the example utilizes Pratt's Parsing Algorithm.

The idea is that we associate each operator with a numeric priority, usually called a binding power: 0 for unbound precedence, 1 for the | operator, and 2 for the & operator1. There are two mutually recursive functions: the parse_operator function that parses a sequence of operators from the token stream in accordance with the specified binding power, and the parse_operand function that parses the atomic operand ("true" or "false"), or a parenthesis operator (which we treat as an operand too).

The parsing procedure starts by entering into the parse_operator function with zero binding power (which means that the function should attempt to parse all input tokens).

First, this function parses an operand by calling the parse_operand function and stores the result in the accumulator variable. The first operand that we parsed is going to be the left-hand operand.

Then the function enters a loop where it parses the next incoming pairs of operator tokens and the right-hand operands and reduces them to the left-rotated binary tree using the accumulator:

  1. Whenever the loop encounters the next operator token, it checks if this operator has the equal or higher binding power than the current one. If not, it breaks the loop.
  2. Otherwise, the loop consumes the token and parses the right-hand side operand by recursively calling the parse_operator function with the binding power of this operator.
  3. Finally, the loop folds the current accumulator as the left-hand side of the operation and the result of the right-hand side parsing product into a binary node representing this operation and stores it in the accumulator again, resuming the loop.
  4. The loop finishes when it encounters the end of the token stream input or the ) token that denotes that the function reached the end of the expression inside the (...) grouping expression.
fn parse_operator<'a>(
    session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>,
    context: NodeRule,
    binding: u8, // Current Binding Power
) -> NodeRef {
    let mut accumulator = parse_operand(session, context);

    loop {
        // Skipping the whitespaces between operands and operators.

        // Looking ahead at the next token.
        let token = session.token(0);

        match token {
            // `&` operator encountered.
            BoolToken::And => {
                // Check the current binding power with the operator's binding
                // power.
                if binding >= 2 {
                    return accumulator;
                // Folds the current accumulator as the left-hand operand and
                // the next right-hand operand into a single binary node.

                let left = accumulator;

                let node = session.enter(BoolNode::AND);

                if !left.is_nil() {

                let parent = session.parent_ref();

                session.advance(); // Consumes the operator token.

                // Parses the right-hand side with the operator's binding power (2).
                let right = parse_operator(session, BoolNode::AND, 2);

                // Finishes folding and stores the result in the accumulator.
                accumulator = session.leave(BoolNode::And {

            BoolToken::Or => {
                if binding >= 1 {
                    return accumulator;

                // The same procedure, but uses the binding power 1 when parsing
                // the right-hand side.

                // ...

            // The end of the input has been reached.
            // Breaking the loop and returning the accumulated result.
            BoolToken::ParenClose | BoolToken::EOI => return accumulator,

            _ => {
                // Syntax error handler

The parse_operand function, in turn, parses just a single operand ("true" or "false") or a parenthesis operator, which is treated as an operand too.

fn parse_operand<'a>(
    session: &mut impl SyntaxSession<'a, Node = BoolNode>,
    context: NodeRule,
) -> NodeRef {
    loop {
        let token = session.token(0);

        match token {
            BoolToken::True => return parse_true_operand(session),
            BoolToken::False => return parse_false_operand(session),
            // Recursively descends into the `parse_operator` function again
            // with binding power 0 when parsing the inner expression
            // inside `(...)`.
            BoolToken::ParenOpen => return parse_group(session),

            _ => {
                // Syntax error handler.

The above algorithm effectively constructs a left-rotated binary tree. However, the algorithm could be easily extended to cover more cases:

  • If you assign even binding powers to the operators (& power is 20, | power is 10), you can easily turn any operator into the right-recursive by passing the one binding power less to the right-hand side parsers (e.g., parse_operator(session, BoolNode::AND, 19) turns the conjunction operator into the right recursive operator).

  • The unary operators without the right-hand side could be parsed the same way, except that in the parse_operator function, you don't need to parse the right-hand side.

  • The unary operators without the left-hand side could be parsed in the parse_operand function that would recursively call the parse_operator function with the corresponding operator's binding power to parse the right-hand side.


Some operators obviously could share the same binding power. For example, the "+" and "-" operators in arithmetic expressions would have the same priority, and therefore the same binding power.